Publishers whose Books you’ll see reviewed here are:
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Saturday, 25 January 2014

NASB/NIV Greek and English Interlinear New Testament

By: William D. Mounce, Robert H. Mounce
Zondervan / 2011 / Hardcover

Few years ago  I accidently stumbled upon YouTube bible study by Jim Brown called:   TextualCriticism - The Greek Text Cannot Be Translated  and decided to start learning Biblical Greek language. As you can see, if you want to watch his lectures,  Jim is fighting with a  lot of book, s lexicons and concordances, with parsing codes and dictionaries.  
Zondervan made all this in one valuable book : Greek and English Interlinear New Testament.
If  something is  valuable it must be in good package. How good package is, pictures can show.

The package / binding is Glued

and it is not going to last if you want to even moderately use this book.

The book is weakest on the first pages as you can see. This weakness becomes more expressive because the first few pages are the most important part of the book. Instructions on how to use this book and abbreviations. Abbreviations,which are for the first time user the most important thing, are placed on first page. And since you will turn to this page so often that it is going to be annoying for you and destructive to the book. 

These abbreviations should have been printed on the inside of the hardcover. The best solution to extend the life of this quite expensive book  is to copy or print them on separate sheet of paper like I did.



The Bible, the Book


The Bible, the Book

The Bible is a holy book. But, above all, the Bible is a book. Ordinary book. There is nothing magical or mystical in it. Yet, the Bible is a book like no other book in the world. Appreciated and respected by all religions and cultures. This book has the authority and therein lays its power. That's why we all refer to it when we want to impose our beliefs to someone, or blindly believe and obey every letter written, or even do  believe nothing from the Bible and still keeping  it as the  basis of our  faith

There is something in human nature what gives Bible such power. It is a human tendency to have a collection of rules by which they will behave. A set of instructions that must be followed and obeyed to reach their goal. A set of rules that frees them from responsibility. 

But it's not just a set of rules they seek. Often, people do not want to read the words and look for at the instructions for their lives. 

People are naturally inclined to idolizing things. They like to have their God in their pockets, on their shelves, in their bags, to show them in their churches and study groups, and work places. They like them durable on nice paper, craft-fully bounded in luxury covers. They like them   to survive anger bursts when they prayers do not get answered and pick their Bible up and use them again after they are thrown, kicked, burned and tossed in the garbage. (Exodus 32:19)

I am not going to judge those people who struggle with heavy burden of the religious life, but I am going to judge their Books. How well they are made, how durable they are, how resistant they should be. 

I am going to judge the Book by its covers. 
