Publishers whose Books you’ll see reviewed here are:
B&H Publishing Group, Trinitarian Bible Society, Thomas Nelson, David C. Cook, Krscanska Sadasnjost, American Bible Society

Sunday, 9 March 2014

The Pre-Nicene New Testament: Fifty-four Formative Texts : Part 2

Now lets get inside the book. The Content.

As the title says it contains two times more book then actual New Testament.

You can see dome of the new books together with old (more familiar) ones.

Each chapter begins with the authors (Robert M. Price)  introduction where he explains the history behind each book. For example how no body knows who wrote it, how historically incorrect the book is etc. Translation is very formal , sometimes  accompanied with  funny/ironic/mocking commentaries. You must understand him there are really funny ( for some believers disturbing , blasphemous) stories....

... like Infancy of Jesus.  Where Jesus is depicted more like Damien  from Omen.

You can also find there an anti-gospel 

Before Avengers there was Taledoth Jeshu. Comic book lovers might find this descriptions of  hero-villain  air fight very amusing.

And to conclude this review.....

I can say that  paper quality  is very good. It  is glossy and thick with no transparency.
Introductions of an authors are very valuable and funny. Sometimes they seem not serious enough, but that is just an authors authoritative writing stile.
The book is big, more then 1000 pages and it will be a very good asset for someone who objectively studies  christian religion. 


 If you  are not going to read this book very often be careful how to store it on your shelf.

I would not suggest to store this book vertically like this...

...because of gravity impact on the spine of the book.
You can see the curve (top view) on the spine.
This happens when you store it vertically .
Some book are more immune to this . This one is not.

As you can see on the bottom the curve is not present.

If you are going tho store it vertically  anyway ,
you can at least often change the horizontal/vertical position of the book.

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